Immortal Palm

仙人运掌功 (Xiānrén yùnzhǎng gōng)

1st Set: Immortal warming up

仙人热身功 (Xiānrén rèshēn gōng)

1. Three flying postures of Crane: hatching, shaking wings, flying

鹤飞三式 (Hèfēi sānshì): 幼飞 (yòufēi) 雏飞 (chúfēi) 成飞 (chéngfēi)

2. Immortal crane spreading wings

仙鹤亮翅 (Xiānhè liàngchì)

3. Using strength to push Mount Hua

力推华山 (Lìtuī huàshān)

4. Turning rivers and seas upside down

翻江倒海 (Fānjiāng dǎohǎi)

5. Immortal showing the way

仙人指路 (Xiānrén zhǐlù)

6. Jade belt wrapping the body

玉带缠身 (Yùdài chánshēn)

7. Immortal raising the boulder

仙人托盘 (Xiānrén tuōpán)

8. Plucking the star and touching the moon

摘星摸月 (Zhāixīng mōyuè)

9. Pushing up Heaven and covering Earth

托天盖地 (Tuōtiān gàidì)

10. Immortal searching the sea

仙人探海 (Xiānrén tànhǎi)

11. Grabbing sand and throwing it into the air

抓沙扬飞 (Zhuāshā yángfēi)

12. Massaging the triple burner

顺捋三焦 (Shùnlǚ sānjiāo)